Sunday, April 7, 2013

A lazy day staying at home

Today is my mom's birthday,
but she is not with me in hometown.
She went to constellation event held in KL together with my brother.
What a waste that I was planning to celebrate her birthday but she was planning for the other.
Luckily, there is still Lunar date celebration.
Yea~ We are the typical hokkien lang. xD
I'm so happy to receive so much wishes from my fb friends, 
I will pass them to my mom. 
I wish her always healthy and happy with my daddy :)

Last month, my house kitchen had been renovated.
I think it became bigger and better than before.
At least the pathway had broaden. :)
ignore about the stuffs on the racks and table, 
nicer right?
The steel cage had been lengthen,

Recently, I am watching 步步惊心.
Outdated again, haha..
Anyway, my main point is that I am so pity of the 8th prince.
the story background is alike with 宫琐玉心.
However I personally prefer the latter movie even everyone said that the primer is better.
I like happy ending, dislike cruelty.
I cry a lot watching these drama,
it makes me feel life is so twisted,
hungering for something,
that might be not real,
not far yet not near.
it makes me wonder that am I still wandering in my dream and imagination?
I don't love any man right now,
if I'm being loved again,
will I be the same as before?
I become coward in front of love.
I cannot believe someone can love me for eternally.
I realise that I am afraid in front of guys.
Pretend to be indifferent, be calm and not to look into their eyes.
Even they show some simple action on my,
or speak of something to get near to me,
I could not react on that.
I am coward to reply their messages,
afraid of amusing them.
I am so tired,
I am so scared to be hurt again.
I can't believe and fall to the trap again.
I might be alone forever.
There will be no man can stay near to my soul,
never again.
So just be single,
My roommates were worried for me,
they asked me whether to introduce some nice men to me.
I just burst in laughter.
Nice man? 
I met before, but he met a nice soul partner at the end.
Someone not like me.
I am a weird lady,
weird lady is hard to get someone who understand and be able to stay beside.
weird lady just stay alone and spend for own :)
happy though. =]
don't ask me to be loved again,
i'm not able to, even I said I want to.
Sound pessimistic?
Haha.. that's me, which come in pack.

Saw Mey <3 p="">

1 comment:

  1. Haha! True, even I'm in a relationship, I still can't believe that a man can love me forever. Pessimistic? Nope, I call it self-protective. :) Cheers, single is fun! :D
