Wednesday, April 10, 2013


i wonder why i would be ill at this precious time.
Had been suffered on my bed for two days,
now I still feel my blood vessels dilated,
shivering in cold.
Fever.. just leave me forever,
my holiday spoiled because of you!
Eating 2paracetamol after each meal,
that is so unhealthy.
Please behave yourself,
I wanna taste Char Koay Tiew before I am off to Sabah again.
Now I just realise what is the importance of  having a boyfriend.
Transport service and forever company to anywhere I want.
finally agree to that boyfriend is important.
but I don't have,
let's find a girlfriend.. xD

from <3 letitia="" mey="" p="" saw="">

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Make sure your bf will do that for you when you get one. Not every guy like that. Hahah!
