Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Randomly random

Today I met a group of Leo's club members at mcd. I saw Chun Yee at first, but just greet each other with hi. It was quite awkward for me to meet them there because I was going alone. I did feel like they looked at me with kind of view. I just not feeling comfortable.. After I had finished my meal, Jing Wei approached to me. Well, he was being kindly and smiley. We had a nice chat time. At the beginning, I was so afraid that he'll talk Abt him, luckily it was just my thought. Honestly, fears came to me a lot whenever I knew there was a chance that something Abt him came near to me again. I wished that he'll disappear from my life completely. I was strong enough to handle my life alone. However, I failed tonight. I went to stalk his new partner's profile. You might wonder how I knw Abt his partner.. Well, I had a strong sixth sense. She was cute, sunshine and sportive. Honestly, they were so match to each other by looking at their personalities. Strong faith to the god, clever, good temper and sunshine. After I got a look on her profile, my soul had became so out strangely calm. Well, thanks god, it's her. :) I like how she looked. At the end, I was waiting for them to announce their relationship. Bless for both of you :) A big improvement in me, and I deserved a big clap. Finally, I had let it go. I bless her with my deep heart :) Haha!! Just now I was so angry with my brother, because he shouted on me. So bad that I transferred my anger on my mom. So sorry to her.. I hoped she'll forgive me TT After that, my bro apologized to me by text MSG.. Family is always the greatest lover and support. :) Today I went out with Kim Liu, jogging at Bukit Dumbar. She was a good friend, I hoped that she'll find her way to success. After jogging and dinning, I went out with tiara and yi Ching. At lk western food. Listening to what they talk, I knew I had lost connection with tiara for a long time. Haha.. Sorry to yi Ching and tiara :p You ppl so nice, no wonder luck always happened on my friends :) Haha.. Because u all treat me this no Xim Gua eh Chabo so nice.. Haha.. Good luck in July ya friends :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012


我开始后悔为什么我以前写个人资料的事时候没有好好地写。 我好想被人了解,管他是哪一位。 今天我过得很开心,因为有人陪我聊天:D 原来认识和不认识一个人的感觉可以差那么远。 终于,我交了一位新朋友 *^_^* 我留恋这一份工作,有三个原因: 一、有机会认识来自不一样地方的朋友,甚至有年纪的差距。 二、我找到了我的自信,我很漂亮#^_^# 三、我学会了怎样冷静地面对陌生人 这半年我进步最多的就是沟通。 使用不同的语言与不一样的人群谈话,甚至不胆怯。 我可以制造话题,控制气氛。就是这样! 我没有浪费我这个半年时间。 我感恩^_^

Sunday, June 17, 2012

bad news

this was the first time i was so close with a malay friend. she had problem with her marriage and i was the only friend she thought to share. sometimes, i was empatied with her situation. a horrible husband who scolded her like dog on the road. she loves him and was willing to be the sec wife. she gave birth to a baby but everything was not appreciated. i saw her crying to works a few times before. how could a man did the same cruel things to two women? maybe, they were going to divorce soon as today hher husbsnd had said it out. that is why i don't believe in man's love and promises(exclude my dad) it was hard to find a man who loves u with his whole lifetime. if like that, i better never get married and fell in this situation. sucks life.. anyway, i hope that she could stay strong for her daughter.. all the best to her..

Saturday, June 16, 2012


最近看了一部爱情剧。片名→泡沫之夏. 其实我有好长好长的一段时间没有看过这一类的戏了。 就因为我不相信爱情。 但这一部...我好喜欢欧辰。 这个男的好让我发酥... 电影必竟足虚幻... 我很想再爱上一个人。但我总是找不到... 再谈朋友,我有一个像亲人般的朋友. 她总在我需要的时候出现。 然后支持我的决定◇ 她对我的帮助不曾要求回报. 甚至还说下辈子要当我的情人。 虽然我向来都很冷漠... 但你的温暖,我忘不了.. 我们有着共同的秘密、问题和理想。 我这辈子最想珍惜的朋友就是你。 祝福你 *^_^* there is something i wanna talk abt. to someone i still love. it had been two months we did not contact each other. and for sure it was what i requested, u were being a good obeyer.. actually, i had regret for doing that cruel stuff towards myself. anyway, it was already a fact that i jealous n i tried to revenge in the way i always did. i was so sure that we would be strangers forever.. no matter how much i was eagered for u.. i had lost u.. i accept it.. sorry for the pain i brought to u.. i will bless for u.. for u.. a special person that ever appeared in my life. 爱一个人就要祝福他,就算,他爱的并不是你 我虽矛盾,我可以一时祝福一时诅咒,但我无法永远生气一个我爱的人。 我会把你收在我心中的神秘角落,孤单时怀念你,偷偷地继续喜欢你。 曾经,我嘲笑朋友的痴情,可以等待一个即遥远又不爱自己的人。 或许你教会我,爱是无法制止的。 我可以爱你很深很深,根本无可救药。 我的爱或许对你很廉价,因为我对你的付出和包容只有那么少。 但我的爱也可以很高尚,因为爱你,我给你自由,因为爱你,我可以放弃对你的纠缠。 在没有你的这一段时间,我不时梦见你,给我拥抱。 我不肯醒来,,因为我知道你现在想拥抱的人不会再是我。 我接受这个事实,但还是挥不去对你的感觉。 现在的我不会再为你哭了,因为我不再有那一个资格。 我可以承认我爱你,我可以很坦然说爱。 不知是哪儿冒出的勇气,我不会再为自己的面子而否认。 这样很好。可以爱你又不会伤害你*^____^* 我哥回来槟城工作了。 我希望他做回保险,因为我对他有信心。 我也能够介绍朋友给他。愿他能安定下来,不用爸妈再操心。 下次接吧@_@