Tuesday, January 21, 2014


         我这三年来最值得让我自豪的是我学会给自己打气。这让我遇到难过的事都可以很容易再站起来。当我要生朋友的气的时候,我能做到忍让和放下。我很开心,因为我能接受责骂。所以,当你在问起我在做到什么的时候,我会告诉自己我在做着更好的自己。面对大家,我不需要怕,因为就算被你骂,我也会学习到其中的精华。谢谢我所有的过路人,我感恩。能接受自己的不完美,是你们教我的,学着改变也是你们的帮助。但愿,你们幸福快乐平安。 J

Thursday, January 2, 2014

To him

I know you try your best to stay beside me when I'm emotionally down. Frankly, I am reluctant to waste your effort, you are a good man, but I'm not ready to have you. Perhaps, it has been something important that is missing between us. I tried to let you to get in my world, but then I realise we will never be in the same world. I want to let you know but I don't know how to get it started. Don't treat me good, I feel sorry for you, but being friend with you is a great thing in my life. Hmm.. just give me some time to tell you.

consequences of procrastination

Today was the second subject for my first year first semester. Analytical Chemistry. It was known to be the killer subject, regarding to our seniors. Since the last subject, which was Calculus, i felt like to bang my head on wall and roll my body down the hill. (just to release my frustration ) Everyone seemed to grade the final exam as easy as drinking water. However I got stuck in doing the exam. I was beaten. Today, this exam wasn't an easy one, for sure I couldn't excel as to relate to my title. I gave up on my paper 2 and I might not get above 25 per 50. How was I going to pass this paper? I wondered. Since the day I stepped on USM, I was getting stressed. In every test that was going on in USM, I would be nervous, and sometimes, I even couldn't sleep. Even the assignment was not an easy task. For me, these were not the bad part, the bad thing was there wasn't bell-shaped examination grading. There might be possibility to fail if I did not do well in final. I thought I was that kind of brilliant person, indeed, i was so discrete like a sand among my coursemates. My result was nothing if to compare with their flying colour results. I knew results were not a guideline to decide one's success anymore, but I did not discover my advantageous field besides of studying. What should I do to improve myself? I'm currently phobia to go for examination. It had became a nightmare. And yet, I was procrastinating my time on blogging. I should prepare for my next subject, gambatae neh~~~

You are still my best listener~~~~ :) energy boost up!!